日期:2011-07-23 23:53:00  来源:本站整理

<b>CentOS 5.6 快速搭建LAMP</b>[服务器安全]


  本文“<b>CentOS 5.6 快速搭建LAMP</b>[服务器安全]”是由七道奇为您精心收集,来源于网络转载,文章版权归文章作者所有,本站不对其观点以及内容做任何评价,请读者自行判断,以下是其具体内容:


     号令行下:yum -y install mysql mysql-server   

     Setting up Install Process
     Setting up repositories... ....


     Installed: mysql-server.i386 0:4.1.20-1.RHEL4.1
     Dependency Installed: mysql.i386 0:4.1.20-1.RHEL4.1 perl-DBD-MySQL.i386 0:2.9004-3.1 perl-DBI.i386 0:1.40-8


   号令行下:vi /etc/my.cnf        提醒:红色字为增添的行,主如果设置数据库默许的字符集为utf8

# Default to using old password format for compatibility with mysql 3.x
# clients (those using the mysqlclient10 compatibility package).
default-character-set = utf8
# Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks;
# to do so, uncomment this line:
# symbolic-links=0


default-character-set = utf8


号令行下:chkconfig mysqld on

       可以通过chkconfig --list mysqld 查看设置状况,显示 mysqld 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off,2~5显示On便可以了.

  启动mysql服务, /etc/rc.d.init.d/mysqld start

      Initializing MySQL database:         [ OK ]
      Starting MySQL:              [ OK ]

可以登录mysql举行测试:mysql -u -root                     *(默许root的密码是空的)



号令行下:mysql> use  mysql;

                    mysql> set password for root@localhost = password('你的密码');

                    mysql> set password for root@localhost.localdomain=password('你的密码');

删除匿名用户: mysql> delete from user where user='';    

删除测试数据库: mysql> drop database test;



号令行下:yum -y install apache

Setting up Install Process
Setting up repositories



接下来配置apache,编辑Apache的配置文件,号令行下:vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

# Don't give away too much information about all the subcomponents
# we are running. Comment out this line if you don't mind remote sites
# finding out what major optional modules you are running
ServerTokens OS  ← 找到这一行,将“OS”改成“Prod”(在呈现错误页的时刻不显示服务器操作系统的名称)

ServerTokens Prod   ← 变成此状况

# Optionally add a line containing the server version and virtual host
# name to server-generated pages (internal error documents, FTP directory
# listings, mod_status and mod_info output etc., but not CGI generated
# documents or custom error documents).
# Set to "EMail" to also include a mailto: link to the ServerAdmin.
# Set to one of: On | Off | EMail
ServerSignature On  ← 找到这一行,将“On”改成“Off”

ServerSignature Off  ← 在错误页中不显示Apache的版本

# ServerName gives the name and port that the server uses to identify itself.
# This can often be determined automatically, but we recommend you specify
# it explicitly to prevent problems during startup.
# If this is not set to valid DNS name for your host, server-generated
# redirections will not work. See also the UseCanonicalName directive.
# If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP address here.
# You will have to access it by its address anyway, and this will make
# redirections work in a sensible way.
#ServerName new.host.name:80  ← 改正主机名

  以上是“<b>CentOS 5.6 快速搭建LAMP</b>[服务器安全]”的内容,如果你对以上该文章内容感兴趣,你可以看看七道奇为您推荐以下文章:

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