日期:2011-03-22 13:55:00  来源:本站整理

C++ Builder的快速键[VC/C++编程]


  本文“C++ Builder的快速键[VC/C++编程]”是由七道奇为您精心收集,来源于网络转载,文章版权归文章作者所有,本站不对其观点以及内容做任何评价,请读者自行判断,以下是其具体内容:

F1   帮忙

Alt+F2 终止程序运行(分外是调试时很有效)

F3   查找下一个后果(和Ctrl+F配合利用)

F5   设置/撤消断点

Ctrl+F5 设置Watch变量

F7   跟踪(进入子程序)

F8   单步(不进入子程序)

F9   运行

Ctrl+F9 编译但不运行

F11   切换对象察看器(Object Inspector)

F12   切换Form和代码编辑窗口

Ctrl+F 搜索

Ctrl+R 替换

Ctrl+K+B Marks the beginning of a block

Ctrl+K+C Copies a selected block

Ctrl+K+H Hides/shows a selected block

Ctrl+K+I Indents a block by the amount specified in the Block Indent combo box on the General page of the Editor Options dialog box.

Ctrl+K+K Marks the end of a block

Ctrl+K+L Marks the current line as a block

Ctrl+K+N Changes a block to uppercase

Ctrl+K+O Changes a block to lowercase

Ctrl+K+P Prints selected block

Ctrl+K+R Reads a block from a file

Ctrl+K+T Marks a word as a block

Ctrl+K+U Outdents a block by the amount specified in the Block Indent combo box on the General page of the Editor Options dialog box.

Ctrl+K+V Moves a selected block

Ctrl+K+W Writes a selected block to a file

Ctrl+K+Y Deletes a selected block

Ctrl+O+C Turns on column blocking

Ctrl+O+I Marks an inclusive block

Ctrl+O+K Turns off column blocking

Ctrl+O+L Marks a line as a block

Shift+Alt+arrow Selects column-oriented blocks

Click+Alt+mousemv Selects column-oriented blocks

Ctrl+Q+B Moves to the beginning of a block

Ctrl+Q+K Moves to the end of a block

Clipboard control (default)

Ctrl+Ins Edit|Copy

Shift+Del Edit|Cut

Shift+Ins Edit|Paste

Ctrl+C Edit|Copy

Ctrl+V Edit|Paste

Ctrl+X Edit|Cut


Debugger (default, classic, Brief, Epsilon, and Visual Studio)

Breakpoint view

Ctrl+V View Source

Ctrl+S Edit Source

Ctrl+E Edit Breakpoint

Enter Edit Breakpoint

Ctrl+D Delete Breakpoint

Del Delete Breakpoint

Ctrl+A Add Breakpoint

Ins Add Breakpoint

Ctrl+N Enable Breakpoint

Call stack view

Ctrl+V View Source

Ctrl+S Edit Source

Space View Source (Epsilon only)

Ctrl+Enter Edit Source (Epsilon only)

Message view

Ctrl+V View Source

Space View Source

Ctrl+S Edit Source

Ctrl+Enter Edit Source

Watch view

Ctrl+E Edit Watch

Enter Edit Watch

Ctrl+A Add Watch

Ins Add Watch

Ctrl+D Delete Watch

Del Delete Watch

  以上是“C++ Builder的快速键[VC/C++编程]”的内容,如果你对以上该文章内容感兴趣,你可以看看七道奇为您推荐以下文章:

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