Java ME平台中的URLEncoder实现类[Java编程]
本文“Java ME平台中的URLEncoder实现类[Java编程]”是由七道奇为您精心收集,来源于网络转载,文章版权归文章作者所有,本站不对其观点以及内容做任何评价,请读者自行判断,以下是其具体内容:
这个类是从改正来的 经测试可以正常完成URL编码的工作,在几部手机上测试过.利用的时刻直接调用URLEncoder.encode("中国")便可 假如向服务器端发送.可以利用以下的办法对中文举行编码,然后发送向服务器. String data = "para="+URLEncoder.encode("参数");
在服务器端 以servlet为例 request.getParameter("para")便可得到“参数”
* Utility class for form encoding.this class is modified form so that it can work well in cldc env.
* This class contains static methods
* for converting a String to the <CODE>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</CODE> MIME
* format. For more information about HTML form encoding, consult the HTML
* <A HREF="">specification</A>.
* <p>
* When encoding a String, the following rules apply:
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li>The alphanumeric characters "<code>a</code>" through
* "<code>z</code>", "<code>A</code>" through
* "<code>Z</code>" and "<code>0</code>"
* through "<code>9</code>" remain the same.
* <li>The special characters "<code>.</code>",
* "<code>-</code>", "<code>*</code>", and
* "<code>_</code>" remain the same.
* <li>The space character "<code> </code>" is
* converted into a plus sign "<code>+</code>".
* <li>All other characters are unsafe and are first converted into
* one or more bytes using some encoding scheme. Then each byte is
* represented by the 3-character string
* "<code>%<i>xy</i></code>", where <i>xy</i> is the
* two-digit hexadecimal representation of the byte.
* The recommended encoding scheme to use is UTF-8. However,
* for compatibility reasons, if an encoding is not specified,
* then the default encoding of the platform is used.
* </ul>
* <p>
* For example using UTF-8 as the encoding scheme the string "The
* string ü@foo-bar" would get converted to
* "The+string+%C3%BC%40foo-bar" because in UTF-8 the character
* ü is encoded as two bytes C3 (hex) and BC (hex), and the
* character @ is encoded as one byte 40 (hex).
* @author mingjava
* @version 0.1 05/06/2006
* @since httpme 0.1
public class URLEncoder {
/** The characters which do not need to be encoded. */
private static boolean[] dontNeedEncoding;
private static String defaultEncName = "";
static final int caseDiff = ('a' - 'A');
static {
dontNeedEncoding = new boolean[256];
int i;
for (i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) {
dontNeedEncoding[i] = true;
for (i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) {
dontNeedEncoding[i] = true;
for (i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) {
dontNeedEncoding[i] = true;
dontNeedEncoding[' '] = true; // encoding a space to a + is done in the encode() method
dontNeedEncoding['-'] = true;
dontNeedEncoding['_'] = true;
dontNeedEncoding['.'] = true;
dontNeedEncoding['*'] = true;
defaultEncName = System.getProperty("microedition.encoding");
if(defaultEncName == null || defaultEncName.trim().length() == 0){
defaultEncName = "UTF-8";
public static final int MIN_RADIX = 2;
* The maximum radix available for conversion to and from strings.
public static final int MAX_RADIX = 36;
* The class is not meant to be instantiated.
private URLEncoder() { }
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