日期:2011-03-22 16:17:00 来源:本站整理
这里一件风趣的事情是大概是能针对一个字节数组利用对象的序列化,从而实现对任何Serializable(可序列化)对象的一个“全面复制”(全面复制意味着复制的是整个对象网,而不但是基本对象和它的句柄).复制问题将在第12章举行全面报告.//: MyWorld.java import java.io.*; import java.util.*; class House implements Serializable {} class Animal implements Serializable { String name; House preferredHouse; Animal(String nm, House h) { name = nm; preferredHouse = h; } public String toString() { return name + "[" + super.toString() + "], " + preferredHouse + "\n"; } } public class MyWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { House house = new House(); Vector animals = new Vector(); animals.addElement( new Animal("Bosco the dog", house)); animals.addElement( new Animal("Ralph the hamster", house)); animals.addElement( new Animal("Fronk the cat", house)); System.out.println("animals: " + animals); try { ByteArrayOutputStream buf1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream o1 = new ObjectOutputStream(buf1); o1.writeObject(animals); o1.writeObject(animals); // Write a 2nd set // Write to a different stream: ByteArrayOutputStream buf2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream o2 = new ObjectOutputStream(buf2); o2.writeObject(animals); // Now get them back: ObjectInputStream in1 = new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream( buf1.toByteArray())); ObjectInputStream in2 = new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream( buf2.toByteArray())); Vector animals1 = (Vector)in1.readObject(); Vector animals2 = (Vector)in1.readObject(); Vector animals3 = (Vector)in2.readObject(); System.out.println("animals1: " + animals1); System.out.println("animals2: " + animals2); System.out.println("animals3: " + animals3); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } ///:~
当然,我们但愿装配好的对象有与本来差别的地址.但注意在animals1和animals2中呈现了相同的地址,此中包含同享的、对House对象的引用.在另一方面,当animals3恢复今后,系统没有办法知道另一个流内的对象是第一个流内对象的化身,所以会产生一个完好差别的对象网.animals: [Bosco the dog[Animal@1cc76c], House@1cc769 , Ralph the hamster[Animal@1cc76d], House@1cc769 , Fronk the cat[Animal@1cc76e], House@1cc769 ] animals1: [Bosco the dog[Animal@1cca0c], House@1cca16 , Ralph the hamster[Animal@1cca17], House@1cca16 , Fronk the cat[Animal@1cca1b], House@1cca16 ] animals2: [Bosco the dog[Animal@1cca0c], House@1cca16 , Ralph the hamster[Animal@1cca17], House@1cca16 , Fronk the cat[Animal@1cca1b], House@1cca16 ] animals3: [Bosco the dog[Animal@1cca52], House@1cca5c , Ralph the hamster[Animal@1cca5d], House@1cca5c , Fronk the cat[Animal@1cca61], House@1cca5c ]
Shape(多少形状)类“实现了可序列化”(implements Serializable),所以从Shape担当的任何东西也城市自动“可序列化”.每个Shape都包含了数据,并且每个衍生的Shape类都包含了一个特别的static字段,用于决意全部那些范例的Shape的颜色(如将一个static字段置入底子类,后果只会产生一个字段,因为static字段未在衍生类中复制).可对底子类中的办法举行覆盖处理,以便为差别的范例设置颜色(static办法不会动态绑定,所以这些都是普通的办法).每次调用randomFactory()办法时,它城市成立一个差别的Shape(Shape值采取随机值).//: CADState.java // Saving and restoring the state of a // pretend CAD system. import java.io.*; import java.util.*; abstract class Shape implements Serializable { public static final int RED = 1, BLUE = 2, GREEN = 3; private int xPos, yPos, dimension; private static Random r = new Random(); private static int counter = 0; abstract public void setColor(int newColor); abstract public int getColor(); public Shape(int xVal, int yVal, int dim) { xPos = xVal; yPos = yVal; dimension = dim; } public String toString() { return getClass().toString() + " color[" + getColor() + "] xPos[" + xPos + "] yPos[" + yPos + "] dim[" + dimension + "]\n"; } public static Shape randomFactory() { int xVal = r.nextInt() % 100; int yVal = r.nextInt() % 100; int dim = r.nextInt() % 100; switch(counter++ % 3) { default: case 0: return new Circle(xVal, yVal, dim); case 1: return new Square(xVal, yVal, dim); case 2: return new Line(xVal, yVal, dim); } } } class Circle extends Shape { private static int color = RED; public Circle(int xVal, int yVal, int dim) { super(xVal, yVal, dim); } public void setColor(int newColor) { color = newColor; } public int getColor() { return color; } } class Square extends Shape { private static int color; public Square(int xVal, int yVal, int dim) { super(xVal, yVal, dim); color = RED; } public void setColor(int newColor) { color = newColor; } public int getColor() { return color; } } class Line extends Shape { private static int color = RED; public static void serializeStaticState(ObjectOutputStream os) throws IOException { os.writeInt(color); } public static void deserializeStaticState(ObjectInputStream os) throws IOException { color = os.readInt(); } public Line(int xVal, int yVal, int dim) { super(xVal, yVal, dim); } public void setColor(int newColor) { color = newColor; } public int getColor() { return color; } } public class CADState { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Vector shapeTypes, shapes; if(args.length == 0) { shapeTypes = new Vector(); shapes = new Vector(); // Add handles to the class objects: shapeTypes.addElement(Circle.class); shapeTypes.addElement(Square.class); shapeTypes.addElement(Line.class); // Make some shapes: for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) shapes.addElement(Shape.randomFactory()); // Set all the static colors to GREEN: for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) ((Shape)shapes.elementAt(i)) .setColor(Shape.GREEN); // Save the state vector: ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream("CADState.out")); out.writeObject(shapeTypes); Line.serializeStaticState(out); out.writeObject(shapes); } else { // There's a command-line argument ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream(args[0])); // Read in the same order they were written: shapeTypes = (Vector)in.readObject(); Line.deserializeStaticState(in); shapes = (Vector)in.readObject(); } // Display the shapes: System.out.println(shapes); } } ///:~
在main()中,一个Vector用于包容Class对象,而另一个用于包容形状.若不供应呼应的号令行参数,就会成立shapeTypes Vector,并增添Class对象.然后成立shapes Vector,并增添Shape对象.接下来,全部static color值城市设成GREEN,并且全部东西城市序列化到文件CADState.out.
从中可以看出,xPos,yPos以及dim的值都已成功保存和恢复出来.但在获得static信息时却呈现了问题.全部“3”都已进入,但没有正常地出来.Circle有一个1值(定义为RED),而Square有一个0值(记着,它们是在构建器里初始化的).看上去仿佛static根本没有得到初始化!实情恰是如此——固然类Class是“可以序列化的”,但却不能按我们但愿的工作.所以假定想序列化static值,必须亲身着手.>java CADState [class Circle color[3] xPos[-51] yPos[-99] dim[38] , class Square color[3] xPos[2] yPos[61] dim[-46] , class Line color[3] xPos[51] yPos[73] dim[64] , class Circle color[3] xPos[-70] yPos[1] dim[16] , class Square color[3] xPos[3] yPos[94] dim[-36] , class Line color[3] xPos[-84] yPos[-21] dim[-35] , class Circle color[3] xPos[-75] yPos[-43] dim[22] , class Square color[3] xPos[81] yPos[30] dim[-45] , class Line color[3] xPos[-29] yPos[92] dim[17] , class Circle color[3] xPos[17] yPos[90] dim[-76] ] >java CADState CADState.out [class Circle color[1] xPos[-51] yPos[-99] dim[38] , class Square color[0] xPos[2] yPos[61] dim[-46] , class Line color[3] xPos[51] yPos[73] dim[64] , class Circle color[1] xPos[-70] yPos[1] dim[16] , class Square color[0] xPos[3] yPos[94] dim[-36] , class Line color[3] xPos[-84] yPos[-21] dim[-35] , class Circle color[1] xPos[-75] yPos[-43] dim[22] , class Square color[0] xPos[81] yPos[30] dim[-45] , class Line color[3] xPos[-29] yPos[92] dim[17] , class Circle color[1] xPos[17] yPos[90] dim[-76] ]
(1) 为多少形状增添一个serializeStaticState()和deserializeStaticState().
(2) 删除Vector shapeTypes以及与之有关的全部代码
(3) 在多少形状内增添对新序列化和撤消序列化静态办法的调用
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