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GoodReader(全格局阅读器) v3.12.1 破解版 for iPhone[安卓软件]

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更新时间:2011-12-18 21:32:00
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GoodReader(全格局阅读器) v3.12.1 破解版 for iPhone [安卓软件] 简介





支持书签,支持横屏,还可以通过 WIFI 与 PC 或 MAC 同享文件.

版本 3.12.1 中的新功效

• AFP connections + AFP Auto Sync. Use AFP protocol to connect to shared folders on a Mac, to Apple Time Capsule, and to other AFP-enabled NAS drives.

• “Local Servers (via WiFi)” section now uses Bonjour to find local AFP, SFTP, FTP and HTTP servers, in addition to WebDAV servers

• “Sync” button now also appears on the root screen of the app and under every Actions menu in the file browsing mode. Now you don't have to go all the way back to Web Downloads just to make a sync.

• “Publish” button found under the Actions menu can now be used to publish one or several iCloud files at once

• by popular demand, we're enabling syncing a single local file/folder to several remote ones. Such unpredictable practice is strongly discouraged, so you must explicitly enable it in settings.

• iOS 3.x is no longer supported. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we're too dependent on iOS 4 features now.

Other small but nice improvements:

• “New TXT” button now asks for a file name before creating a file

• tapping and holding on a file now instantly enters the file management mode and selects this file

• tapping and holding on a found file in Find Files window now opens this file's parent folder, as opposed to opening the file itself after a simple quick tap

• the option to ignore system files and folders with names starting with a dot, both for local files and remote servers, is now available in settings


版本 3.9.1 中的新功效

• iOS 5 compatibility fix

• iCloud support (iOS 5 or later)

Other improvements:

• Data Protection can now be enabled for all files, even if there is no app or file password being used (this option needs to be explicitly enabled in settings)

• AirPlay is also enabled for audio files now (iOS 4.3 or later)

• PDF Annotations deletion confirmation dialog can now be disabled in settings

• Web browser password now also locks the “Enter URL” feature

   以上是“GoodReader(全格局阅读器) v3.12.1 破解版 for iPhone[安卓软件] ”的内容,如果你对以上该软件感兴趣,你可以看看 七道奇为您推荐以下软件:
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