软件大小:5.00 MB 下载次数:100
更新时间:2008-06-13 22:59:00

软件简介:上一页新浪短网址转换 可以转换任何网站都转换成短网址 下一页天河道量王(刷流量工具!你懂的 网站必备!)


Avant浏览器的用户友好界面为你浏览体验带来清楚而有效的全新体验,频繁的进级稳步的提高了他的坚固性. 多进程:多进程的计划给你带来不崩溃、不死锁、没有内存泄露的网络浏览器体验和高安定性.当一个标签死锁的时刻,他不会招致你整个浏览器没呼应大概其他页面死锁.在线书签:通过Avant的在线存储可以任何地方,办公司、家里、网吧拜候你的书签,并且不需求耽忧重装系统时丧失数据.加密的独立书签文件格局可以在公用电脑上保护你的隐私.

Changes in Avant Browser 2011 Build 28 (Internal Number:, Released 8.8.2011:

    * [Fix]Downloading files failed(link)

    * [Fix]Rendering problem in gmail(link1/link2)

    * [Fix]Logging out problem(link)

    * [Fix]Downloader didn't save customized settings(link)

    * [Fix]Switching Avant Browser to the Full Screen mode in the second monitor caused the windows task bar to disappear

    * [Fix]Switching from the Full Screen to the Full Desktop mode caused the windows task bar to disappear(link)

    * [Fix]Tabs kept showing progress bar though the option "Show Progress Bar on Tabs" was disabled(link)

    * [Fix]In some cases using "Save Selected Region as Image" caused the page to become blank

    * [Fix]Switching between tabs caused the icons in the desktop to refresh

    * [Fix]In some cases the Address Bar Drop Down List didn't disappear

    * [Fix]Some minor problems


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