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软件简介:上一页片子强搜索软件V1.0(没有搜不到的,只有想不到的) 下一页跨平台电骡 aMule 2.3.1 正式版 for linux

  在阅历了2个候选版后,闻名的跨平台电驴客户端aMule终于公布了v2.3.1正式版,aMule支持KAD网络和eD2k(eDonkey 2000 network - 电驴网络).并可在Linux、MacOSX、Windows等多种操作系统下利用.

aMule名称含义为Another eMule P2P Client 或 All-Platform' p2p client based on eMule,可视作跨平台版的eMule(电骡),由非商业开源组织aMule Project开辟保护.上个正式版还要追溯到2009年9月16日的aMule 2.2.6,历经两年时间aMule终于再次更新.


完好的 aMule 有以下组件:


  • amule(服务器/客户端)- aMule 的桌面程序
  • amuled(服务器)- 后台程序,可配合 amulecmd 或 amulegui 利用
  • amulecmd(客户端)- 可以在号令行情势下利用
  • amulegui(客户端)- 在图形界面下利用
  • amuleweb(服务器)- 翻开后,可以用网页浏览器操作aMule



  • aMule在Sourceforge上的项目主页(包含全部版本):



    Time came and time passed by. The moment is over, became part of the past and never comes back. Nothing to notice, nothing seems to be changed. The world looks just the same. However, a little bit of information has changed, some bits flipped in the RAM of a computer. In the long term it will change the life for many people, who yet doesn't even know their life is going to be changed.

    The Programmer pressed "Enter". The Computer shook itself, made some noise resembling the sound of glass breaking, switched the screen on and off, and finally presented the Prompt. The Programmer leaned back. He was satisfied. The nights, the days (mostly nights) he put in this work finally brought its fruit. The Release was done.

    That said, we happily present you aMule 2.3.1 in technicolor.

    To keep up with leading innovations in information technology, we provide tarballs in .tar.xz format alongside with the usual old .tar.bz2 format. In the next decades we might completely switch to .tar.xz, if it turns out to be better for the Earth.

    Everyone else should bug their distro's packagers to update their packages.

    by GonoszTopi

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