软件大小:5.00 MB 下载次数:99
更新时间:2013-05-16 21:18:00

软件简介:上一页上兴远程掌握2013 绿色版_最新支持QQ空间、网盘上线 下一页BT5无线网络破解软件 中文版 (bt5中文版下载)



Colasoft Ping Tool is a powerful graphic ping tool, it supports ping multiple IP addresses at the same time, and compares response time in a graphic chart. You can view historical charts and save the charts to a *.bmp file. With this build-in tool, users can ping the IP addresses of captured packets in Colasoft Capsa (if applicable) conveniently, including resource IP, destination IP and both of them.


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