软件名称:[B]Autodesk MotionBuilder 2011 x86/x64[/B]
软件大小:5.00 MB
更新时间:2010-04-12 20:37:00
Autodesk® MotionBuilder® 是用于游戏、片子和电视制作的业界抢先的及时三维动画软件.MotionBuilder 的核心重点是交互式的及时工作流程,使创意和技术艺术家可以完成尖刻的动画密集型项目.MotionBuilder 是为获得、操作和可视化三维数据、而计划的专业软件包,不但是一个动画生产力办理筹划,并且也是一个推动创造迭代历程的工具.
凭仗其独特的及时交互式三维环境,Autodesk® MotionBuilder® 2009 成为了动画制作和虚拟摄像的抱负挑选.制作团队将会发现,Autodesk MotionBuilder 的及时交互性不但可以显着提高动画师的工作效率,并且还能把创作掌握权偿还给导演和摄像.这个新版本在视口内为动画师、技术总监和片子制作人员供应高质量的交互式可视化,为创造及时模拟供应了一个直观的工具包,并扩大了脚本开辟,可实现愈抓精密的制作流程集成.
Autodesk® MotionBuilder® 2009 是用于游戏、片子、电视和多媒体制作的强盛及时三维角色动画生产力套装软件.最新的改良和主要功效包含:
Rag Doll 解算器
新的 Rag Doll 解算器使你可以模拟角色与其环境之间的复杂交互,而利用传统的关键帧或运动捕捉本领不但非常费时,并且难以制作动画.这种模拟可以利用到角色的掌握骨架,与现有的动画数据或姿势混合,以提高逼真度(比方角色摔落到地上或冒死挥着手臂).
Autodesk MotionBuilder 2009 支持新的硬件加快的 CG 着色器*,包含灯光衰减着色器和法线贴图着色器,可以及时显示在 Autodesk® Maya®、Autodesk® Mudbox™ 或 Autodesk® 3ds Max® 中成立的法线贴图.别的,MotionBuilder 目前还支持 CgFX 库的 2.0 版,使你可以操纵最新的 CgFX 着色器技术.
Python 脚本
新增的智能化、完好集成的 Python® 脚本语言编辑器使你可以在 MotionBuilder 中开辟、测试和精调你的 Python 脚本.该编辑器支持单行和多行输入、多页工作空间、行编号、颜色编码、历史、热键、拖放功效、举行颜色编码的错误消息和搜索你还可以通过渲染代码、 FCurve % 函数、掌握骨架、角色的载入/归并等功效更深化地利用 MotionBuilder 功效.
Windows 64 位版本支持
MotionBuilder 的这个版本扩大了对基于 Intel 和 AMD 的 64 位 Windows® 平台的支持,包含 Windows Vista® Business 64 位操作系统.你可以在 64 位平台上利用该软件,并从宏大的性能改良中获益:64 位支持答应你操纵更多的内存(比方 Windows XP 64 最高可达 128 GB).这使你可以处理更大、更复杂的场景,并在从前发生交换的情形下改良性能.
当你在 MotionBuilder 和别的 Autodesk 产品之间举行切换时,新增的 Steering Wheel 导航和 ViewCube™ 导航工具可以创造越发一致的导航体验.MotionBuilder 2009 还改良了对触及 MotionBuilder 的工作流程、Autodesk 3ds Max Biped 以及 Autodesk Maya 满身反向运动学 (FBIK) 角色骨架的支持.
Autodesk MotionBuilder 2011 is an ideal tool for animating 3D characters in real time, creating large-scale video game animation and special effects in film production. MotionBuilder 2011 has high performance, advanced on the calculation of physics objects in real time, and improved interoperability with Autodesk Maya, Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk Softimage.
Year: 2010
Version: 2011
Developer: Autodesk Inc
Platform: Microsoft Windows XP & Vista & 7
Compatible with Windows 7: full
Language: English only
Tabletka: Present
System requirements:
* Microsoft ® Windows ® XP Professional operating system (SP2 or higher)
* Microsoft ® Internet Explorer ® 7.0 internet browser or higher
* Mozilla ® Firefox ® 2.0 web browser or higher
* Intel ® Pentium ® processor (minimal)
* Dual Core Processor Workstation or higher (Intel ® or AMD ® processors) (recommended)
* Qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL ® 2.1 (or higher recommended) professional graphics card with latest graphics driver available on vendor's site
* 2 GB free hard drive space. Setup requires additional temporary disk space for your system's temporary folder when decompressing files during installation.
* 2 GB of RAM minimum and recommended for 32-bit operating systems
* 4 GB of RAM minimum for 64-bit operating systems. 8 GB of RAM recommended.
* Network adaptor with internet connection for licensing (non-internet connected licensing is also supported)
* A DVD drive if installing the software or browsing the media
Autodesk ® MotionBuilder ® - industry-leading software for 3D animation in real time, intended for use in the development of computer games, shooting films and television shows. Focusing on the interactive performance of procedures in real time, MotionBuilder enables creative and technical specialists to require highly skilled projects in which an important role for the animation.
MotionBuilder is a professional software tool with tools for 3D data collection, processing, and visualization. This is not just a set for performance animation procedures, but rather a means to implement multistage creative process. As one of the leading computer graphics technology for real-time, MotionBuilder implements procedures for virtual cinematography and allows operators and directors to interactively manage the virtual camera with the same freedom as would have been a real one.
* Multithreading and optimization
* Connections simulations
* Manage poses for objects
* Display real time and means to work with animations
* Automated creation of snap
* Tools Scripting
* The dynamics of rigid skeletons
* Dynamic device support
Additional Information:
* When installing do not require a connection to the Internet;
* The distribution has been tested and fully functional;
* To install from a virtual drive is recommended to use the program Alcohol 120% latest version;
[url=http://www.xiamiku.com/soft/10530.html][B]Autodesk MotionBuilder 2011 x86/x64[/B][/url]