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2D跟踪 Imagineer Systems Mocha v2.0 (Crack)[图像软件]

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更新时间:2010-05-02 20:37:00
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2D跟踪 Imagineer Systems Mocha v2.0 (Crack) [图像软件] 简介

  2D跟踪 Imagineer Systems Mocha v2.0 (Crack)

一款独立的2D跟踪软件,基于图形独特的2.5平面跟踪系统. mocha 作为一种高本钱的有效跟踪办理筹划,具有多种功效,产生二维立体跟踪本领,即便在最艰难的短片拍摄,可也节俭大量时间和金钱.



mocha-AE,则是专为After Effect而预备的软件!

Adobe After Effects 软件可以帮忙用户高效、切确地成立无数种惹人注目的动态图形和视觉效果.操纵与其他 Adobe 软件的精密集成、高度机动的 2D 和 3D 合成,以及数百种预设的效果和动画,为片子、视频、DVD 和 Macromedia Flash 作品增添令人耳目一新的效果.After Effects 软件持续为用于片子、录像、DVC 和 Web 的动画图形和视觉效果设立新尺度. After Effects 供应了与 Adobe Premiere® Pro、Adobe Encore™ DVD、Adobe Audition™、Photoshop® CS 和 Illustrator® CS 软件无与伦比的集成功能,为您供应以创新的方法应对生产挑衅并拜托高品质成品所需的速度、精确度和强盛功效.

We are proud to introduce mocha; a standalone tracking tool based on Imagineer's unique 2.5 D planar tracking system. Designed as a cost-effective tracking solution with a variety of features mocha affords you the ability to generate solid 2D tracks, even on the most difficult shots, while saving both time and money.

mocha is a stand alone 2D tracking tool packed with features that make the life of the effects compositing artist easier and less stressful. Now compositors can avoid the guess work and inaccuracies that result from painstaking and time consuming difficult hand tracking shots. The process of generating solid 4-point tracks, giving position, scale, rotation, shear and perspective matched tracks is sped up thanks to the next generation tracking. Once the track is complete, mocha is designed to export the data to the industry’s most well known compositing and finishing packages such as Inferno, Flame, Flint, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, After Effects, Shake and Digital Fusion. This gives the artist the freedom to finish their shots in the compositing application they feel most comfortable with.

mocha allows tracking to be completed in less time and with higher accuracy, giving you the ability to bid for jobs at a time and rate that creates an advantage for you over your competitors!

The Planar Tracker

Throw your old fashioned point trackers away- step up to Imagineer’s advanced Planar tracker. Watch in amazement as your splines magically rotate, scale, and shear in lock step with your shot.


mocha’s AdjustTrack module takes track adjustment to another level by offering an innovative approach to the removal of drift. Coupled with mocha's ability to work with problematic footage, AdjustTrack is a tool that can save you a lot of tracking headaches!

Export Tracking Data

mocha will allow you to export 2D tracking data to the industry’s most well known packages Inferno, Flame, Flint, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, After Effects, Apple Shake and Digital Fusion.

Composite Preview

mocha allows you to import a single frame or clip and place it within a defined domain to preview your insert.

Bezier and X-Spline tools

mocha offers several ways of shaping your splines. In addition to Bezier and X Splines, mocha offers Shake-style tangent control if you prefer.

Track or Spline based Motion Blur

mocha can generate motion blur in two ways. If you are tracking a moving object, mocha can create motion blur based on that motion vector. If that doesn’t do the trick, mocha can also generate motion blur based on your spline deformations.

Effortless Spline Transformations

mocha provides an intuitive way to move, rotate and scale your splines around, should they need some manual tweaking. Live anchor points mean you rotate and scale from wherever you click. Elegant overlays give you easy to read delta feedback.

Infinite Edge Control

Pull out feathers point by point. Move feather edges and control points together or separately. Join points from separate splines together. Serious point control in mocha.

Roto Preview

mocha allows you to import a single frame or clip as a background to preview behind your roto'ed foreground object.

Fewer Keyframes

Powered by the Planar Tracker, your splines will no longer need so many keyframes. Ben Grossman of The Syndicate reported a traditionally rotoscoped 88 keyframe shot needing only 4 in mocha. Less keyframes= tighter tracks, less work.

Export Shapes and Mattes

mocha will slip right in to your pipeline- offering renders in nearly every industry standard File format (Cineon, DPX, TIFF, Targa, QuickTime etc.) and shape export for Flame/Flint/Inferno, Shake and Combustion.

mocha is a stand alone 2D tracking tool packed with features that make the life of the effects compositing artist easier and less stressful. Now compositors can avoid the guess work and inaccuracies that result from painstaking and time consuming difficult hand tracking shots. The process of generating solid 4-point tracks, giving position, scale, rotation, shear and perspective matched tracks is sped up thanks to mocha's next generation tracking layers and interface. mocha is designed to export tracking data to the industry’s most well known compositing and finishing packages such as Inferno, Flame, Flint, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, After Effects, Shake, Digital Fusion and Nuke.

The Planar Tracker

Throw your old fashioned point trackers away- step up to Imagineer’s advanced Planar tracker. Watch in amazement as your splines magically rotate, scale, and shear in lock step with your shot.


mocha’s AdjustTrack module takes track adjustment to another level by offering an innovative approach to the removal of drift. Coupled with mocha's ability to work with problematic footage, AdjustTrack is a tool that can save you a lot of tracking headaches!

Export Tracking Data

mocha will allow you to export 2D tracking data to the industry’s most well known packages Inferno, Flame, Flint, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, After Effects, Apple Shake, Digital Fusion and Nuke.

Composite Preview

mocha allows you to import a single frame or clip and place it within a defined domain to preview your insert.

Bezier and X-Spline tools

mocha offers several ways of shaping your splines. In addition to Bezier and X Splines, mocha offers Shake-style tangent control if you prefer.

Track or Spline based Motion Blur

mocha can generate motion blur in two ways. If you are tracking a moving object, mocha can create motion blur based on that motion vector. If that doesn’t do the trick, mocha can also generate motion blur based on your spline deformations.

Effortless Spline Transformations

mocha provides an intuitive way to move, rotate and scale your splines around, should they need some manual tweaking. Live anchor points mean you rotate and scale from wherever you click. Elegant overlays give you easy to read delta feedback.

Infinite Edge Control

Pull out feathers point by point. Move feather edges and control points together or separately. Join points from separate splines together. Serious point control in mocha.

Roto Preview

mocha allows you to import a single frame or clip as a background to preview behind your roto'ed foreground object.

Fewer Keyframes

Powered by the Planar Tracker, your splines will no longer need so many keyframes. Ben Grossman of The Syndicate reported a traditionally rotoscoped 88 keyframe shot needing only 4 in mocha. Less keyframes= tighter tracks, less work.

Export Shapes and Mattes

mocha will slip right in to your pipeline- offering renders in nearly every industry standard File format (Cineon, DPX, TIFF, Targa, QuickTime etc.) and shape export for Flame/Flint/Inferno, Shake and Combustion.

Stable and Rapidly Evolving

mocha is built upon the same framework as monet and mokey - applications with a mature toolset that can be depended upon for stability and frequent upgrades.

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