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CAD绘制工具CADopia Professional 15 v0.87 中文破解版 下载[图像软件]

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软件大小:158 MB
更新时间:2015-04-15 00:47:00
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CAD绘制工具CADopia Professional 15 v0.87 中文破解版 下载 [图像软件] 简介

  CADopia 14是完善的CAD工具,工程师,建筑师,计划师,教诲者和学生——几近任何人成立或利用CAD图纸. 尺度版是充足的,假如你的需求是有限的基本画图、尺寸标注和注释.

假如你不需求高级的特点,比方VSTA(Visual Studio工具利用程序),逼真显现,和视觉基本工具,尺度版是精确的产品给你.



 What’s new in CADopia 15: :

CADopia 15 supports key new features and all features supported in previous versions.

New! Power Trim.

New! Quick Modify.

New! Dynamic blocks editing.

New! OnScreen Dimensions palette.

New! Table editing.

New! In-place text editing.

New! Migration Assistant.

AutoCAD 2.5-2013 DWG files.

Support for Microstation .DGN files as an underlay.

Revision Cloud

Viewport Clipping

Smart Dimension tool for creating CAD drawings with precision and ease that automatically detect and suggest best matching dimension tools including Lines, Poly Line segments, Arcs, Circles, and Rings.

Print configurations that can store advanced print settings for different layouts and set configurations as presets across multiple projects.

3D editing tools and enhanced 3D modeling capabilities that includes the fillet tool for 3D edges.

Advanced editing of 3D Solid Models.

Improved memory and performance display.

VoiceNotes and Spellchecker support for MAC platform.

CADopia 15 supports key features such as:

Powerful CAD functionality:





AutoCAD 2.5-2013 DWG Support.

Import PDF documents and convert them into drawings.

Export Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files from your drawings.

Comprehensive suite of drafting, design and detailing tools.

Print Style Tables.

Save and restore drawing environment variables.

Import/export files to DWF for viewing on the Internet

Import Shape Files in .SHP format.

Template files.

Supports standard CAD commands.

Supports standard menu (.MNU) and script (.SCR) files.

TrueType Fonts.

True color support.

3D surface commands.

Group command.

Fly over snapping.

Polar tracking.

Reference file support.

Clipping support for references, images and viewports.

Complex linetype support.

Integrated Flexible License Managment tool including optional support for floating network licenses.

The digital User Guide is included in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Productivity Tools:


Quick Modify.

Dimension Palette.

In place text editing.

Table editinge.

Tabs for paper-space layouts.

Drawing Recovery and Error Checking support.

Property sheets for easier editing.

Entity Lineweight Support.

User Profiles Manager.

Fly-over snapping.

ActiveX support.

Real time pan and zoom.

Copy with base point.

Paste as block.

Advanced Layer Management tools.

Script recorder.

Add/edit voice notes.

Property Painter support for easier formatting.  

   以上是“CAD绘制工具CADopia Professional 15 v0.87 中文破解版 下载[图像软件] ”的内容,如果你对以上该软件感兴趣,你可以看看 七道奇为您推荐以下软件:
  • CAD绘制工具CADopia Professional 15 v0.87 中文破解版 下载
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