软件大小:5.00 MB 下载次数:99
更新时间:2013-05-04 23:46:00

软件简介:上一页百度电脑安全优化工具 下一页McAfee Consumer Product Removal Tool


内附CleanWipe_v.6.0.此软件专门用于Symantec杀毒软件的完善纯洁卸载(历程中自动重启2次计算机).假如我们需求卸载干净,那他绝对就是利器  CleanWipe is a tool that you can use to prepare or clean any supported Windows computer before you install Symantec Endpoint Protection. It is a self-extracting executable that unzips its batch files, utility programs, and data files to the Windows\Temp folder by default.

Use CleanWipe with caution. You should use CleanWipe as a last resort after all other means to prepare or clean a computer for Symantec Endpoint Protection installation have failed. 

Running CleanWipe may result in MsiInstaller items being logged in the Windows Event Viewer Application log with the following des criptive text:

"Failed to connect to server. Error 0x800401F0."

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