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更新时间:2013-05-04 23:46:00

软件简介:上一页Symantec杀毒软件卸载工具 CleanWipe 6.0 下一页RegAuditor 2.3.2


McAfee Consumer Product Removal Tool是一个McAfee产品卸载工具,利用便利,你只要点击一下鼠标,剩下的便可以自动完成了.排除后,系统中不会有任何McAfee软件的痕迹.支持2005、2006、2007系列版本,具体支持哪些产品见下面阐明.

Running the McAfee Consumer Product Removal tool (MCPR.exe) removes all 2005, 2006, and 2007 versions of McAfee consumer products.

Affected Products:
- McAfee Security Center
- McAfee VirusScan
- McAfee Personal Firewall Plus
- McAfee Privacy Service
- McAfee SpamKiller
- McAfee Wireless Network Security
- McAfee SiteAdvisor
- McAfee Data Backup
- McAfee Network Manager
- McAfee Easy Network
- McAfee AntiSpyware

Using McAfee Consumer Product Removal tool:
- Double click the MCPR.exe
- A Command Line window will be displayed, and then close automatically.
- Wait for a second Command Line window to be displayed. Note: Do not double-click MCPR.exe again, you may have to wait up to 1 minute for the next window to appear.
- After the second window appears, the program will begin the cleanup.
- Observe the installation, which could take several minutes. The following message will be displayed in the Command Line window: The machine must reboot to complete the un-installation. Reboot now? [y.n]
- Press Y on the keyboard.
- Wait for the computer to restart.
- All McAfee products are now removed from your computer

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